Any item purchased during a Buy One / Get One (BOGO) offer may be returned for an exchange or refund.
Items from a BOGO deal are individually eligible to exchange for any item that is of equal or lesser value than the original item’s full price. Any price difference between the original item(s) and the new item(s) will be refunded to your original form of payment.
Items purchased during a BOGO offer are viewed as groups. The BOGO offer applies to the lower-priced item(s) in the group, making the lower-priced item discounted or free. If a return is necessary, each item in the pair has a new, equal value based off of the order total for all the grouped items, where the same % off discount is applied to each item individually. Returning any of the items from a BOGO offer will refund that discounted value of the returned item to your original method of payment.
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